It is possible that in a few years from now we will be heating houses not by hot water but by steam below atmospheric pressure, of such a low temperature that it gives all of the advantages of hot water without any of its disadvantages.“

“Practical Steam and Hot Water Heating”A.G. King , 1908

Steam heating systems were considered Cadillac of heating since introduction in 1850th. In 1900th Vacuum Heating (VH) resolved major problems of steam heating (control and uneven heat distibution) and became favorite choice especially for large buildings. Both systems lost popularity to hydronic heating in 1929 when hot water circulators hit the market and drastically slash installation cost. Later the installation cost of hydronic systems was further reduced by usage of copper and PEX tubing compared to old fashioned steel piping. Modern circulators, controls, and modulating boilers perfected hydronic systems to maximum efficiency and make them today’s obvious choice for residential and commercial buildings.

Since the 1900s there are no reported efforts in terms of employing modern controls and materials for steam and vacuum heating systems , Meanwhile technologies are readily available to drastically reduce plambing size, weight, heat loss and installation cost and improve efficiency.. Thermodynamics is actually favors steam and vacuum heating systemst over hydronic.

NextGen Vacuum Heating (NextGen VH) employs modern control concept and plumbing to revive this unfarely forgotten technology. Differently from the known VH, NextGen VH eliminates steam traps, condensate return pumps and reduce vacuum pump load.

Conversion of 100 years old steam heating into NextGen VH saved 25-30% of heating cost in an independent pilot retrofit study and up to 50% with upgraded plumbing. System comfort and heat distribution were improved as welll - Fig. 1.

Here is an expert opinion on technology potential.

Fig. 1 Infrared images of old and new radiators in fartherest room after 30 min from boiler cold start.

The key issues that NextGen VH system will solve for you:

  • lower boiling temperature adjustable to outside temperature. comfortable heat

  • Decreased pickup losses

  • No steam traps, water circulators

  • Reduced water loss

  • No air vents

  • A naturally balanced heating system without needing thermostatic controls.

Please, let us know if you're looking for pargmatic solution to improve efficiency of your steam or vacuum system.